I am an artist who uses sculpture to explore narrative. My practice deals with issues around ecology and landscape. My approach excavates the history of colonial tactics to restrict movement of people and plants. My work is concerned with contradictory behaviour around the preservation and destruction of habitats and culture and how nomadic ways of being - for instance, the right to roam - break down class structures and capitalist infrastructure.
2009-13 Diploma in Fine Art, The Art Academy.
2017-19. Sculpture, Royal College of Art
2022. Forest for the Trees, ACC Galerie Weimar, October-February, Germany.
2020. Bilbao Arte Residency, July-December. Basque Country, Spain.
2020. Korai Project Space, March-May. Nicosia, Cyprus.
2020. Gilbert Bayes Award 2020, The Royal Society of Sculptors, London.
2020. Wild Biyoo, The Tribe Goa, India.
2019. Summer School Residency, Kurt Schwitters’ Merzbarn, Lake District
2019. Standpoint Gallery, Hoxton Square, London, UK, March.
2018. UTxRCA Fellowship, Texas, USA.
2018. Summer School Residency, Kurt Schwitters’ Merzbarn, Lake District
2016. Residency, Sail Britain, UK.
2015. /W^NDER/ Research Residency, Central America.
2015. Graduate Residency, Westbury Arts Centre, Milton Keynes.
Awards & Commissions
2022. Arts Council Project Grant
2021. DYCP Arts Council Fund
2021. Watford Covid Memorial Public Sculpture
2021. Set Studio Award
2020. Time and Space Award, A-N
2020. Gilbert Bayes Award 2020, The Royal Society of Sculptors, London.
2020. BilbaoArte Beca for International Artists, Bilbao Spain.
2019. Broomhill National Sculpture Prize, Broomhill Sculpture Park, UK
2017. Stanley Picker Scholarship
2016. The Tuckshop Tanner, Archbishop's Park Commission, Lambeth Council
2015. NADFAS Scholarship, Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust.
2015. Ashurst Emerging Artist Shortlist, London.
2014. Rome Art Programme Scholarship, Rome, Italy
2021. Contains Art, Ecology and Sustainability KS1-3, East Quay, Somerset.
2020. Gardens of Earthly Delight @gardensofearthlydelight
2020. Wild Biyoo Artist residency focus on climate justice, Goa India
Press / Talks / Video
2023. When The Moon Howls Interview with Ulrike Theusner and Curator Frank Motz ACC Galerie Weimar
2021. El cuervo blanco o la paloma? by Inaki Estaban in El Correo, Bilbao
2021. Sustainable Art Practises with Villa Villa curated by Alice Bonnata.
2021. RSS Show, Casc Gallery, Chichester.
2021. GBA 2020, The Royal Sculpture Society
2020. Ancient Deities Review Sphere
2020. National Sculpture Prize, I-M Magazine
2020. Artist Talk, Ambassador for University of Portsmouth, Aspex Gallery.
2020. Ghosts in the Fridge, Interview with BilbaoArte
2020. ON-OFF Interview with Jeanette Gunnerson
2020. Ancient Dieties, Review Sphere
2020. Artist of the Month, Axisweb
2020. Song of the Siren, Parathyro Politis
2019. Moonlight is Sculpture, Publication
2019. Artist Talk, University of Canterbury
2017. QEST magazine
2023. When The Moon Howls, ACC Galerie Weimar, Germany
2022. The Wild Twin, Muse Gallery, London. UK
2022. Sink or Float, Aspex Portsmouth, UK
2021. Tele:(gram) : Frequencies of the Forest, BilbaoArte Foundation, Spain.
2020. Song of the Siren, Korai Project, Nicosia, Cyprus.
2020. Net:Camouflage, Black Box Gallery, UCA, Farnham, Kent.
2018. If all else fails, Fieldworks Gallery, Visual Art Centre, UT Austin.
2017. October Moon, Menier Gallery, London
2023. Forest for the trees, ACC Galerie Weimar, Germany
2022. Rhinoceros, Haarlam Art Space, UK
2022. The World in Your Pocket, Stone Space, London, UK.
2021. Correspondence 01, Broadway Gallery & Exeter Phoenix, England.
2021. Emergency, Apex Gallery, Portsmouth.
2021. Residency, Muse 269, Portobello Road, London.
2020. ONE, Subsidary Projects, San Mei Gallery, London.
2020. Ancient Deities, Arusha Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2020. LGM-1, The Function Suite, London E15.
2020. Wild Biyoo, The Tribe Goa, India
2019. Worlds Between, Pill Box, Farnham, Kent.
2019. Through the Looking Glass, Lumen Gallery x Ugly Duck, London SE1.
2019. Pete the Monkey, Dieppe, France
2019. SHOW, Royal College of Art, London SW7.
2019. National Sculpture Prize, Broomhill Sculpture Park, Devon.
2019. Dirty Hands and Revelations, Standpoint Gallery, Hoxton Square E1
2019. Dare to know, Dyson Gallery, London SW11.
2018. The Petting Zoo, Hockney Gallery, London W7.
2018. It sounds like Cher, Central Space, Visual Arts Centre, UT Austin.
2018. A bag of sand, Shed 1, University of Texas, Austin.
2018. Supercult, Hockney Gallery, London W7.
2018. Expanded Museum, Courtyard Gallery, London W7.
2018. London Craft Week, Carpenters Hall, London City, London.
2017. WIP, RCA Sculpture, Howie Street, London SW11.
2016. / W^NDER/.1, 5th Base Gallery, London, E1
2015. FACE, Royal Opera Arcade, London.
2015. Newcomers, Art in Action, Waterperry, Oxfordshire
2015. HUMAN: SCALE, Westbury Arts Centre, Milton Keynes (duo).
2015. The Eternal City, The Underdog Gallery, Bermondsey, London.​​
Public Sculpture
2022. The weight of the sky, Arte Contemporary, La Rapita, Spain
2021. Watford Memorial, Watford Hospital, Watford Borough Council, Herts.
2019. The Wild Things Are, Broomhill Sculpture Gardens, Barnstaple, Devon.
2017. The Tuckshop Tanner, Archbishop's Park, Lambeth Council, London
2013. Shield, The Honorary Artillery Company, Old Street London
2023. Windfall Magazine Issue 4
2023. When The Moon Howls
2022. They flower into deadly nightshade
2022. Sink of Float : An Artificial Island
2021. Tele:gram (Frequencies of the forest)
2019. Sculpture is Moonlight